Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Wow... It's already the end of September. In just a few weeks I turn 26. While I was fine with turning 25... it's scary turning 26 as I am officially closer to 30... and I am almost out of my mid-20's. Life is changing and fast. I often am amazed at how fast life is going, and then realize that I am still young. I am in awe of how much I have accomplished in my life.

This year is a year of changes. I graduate this coming April, with a Masters degree. AIYA!!! I can't believe it! 4 years is a long time. That's how long I've been at it. I will be graduating this year with my Masters degree. God has been so faithful during this time, providing for my every need and providing more than I could ever need in order for me to be able to work and do school. These last 4 years of school have been fantastic. I have learned so much and have a continued desire to continue my education after I graduate. Maybe a class or 2 each year depending on what's being offered and what I want to help my supplement my teachings. As a children's pastor, I believe that it is important for me to continue my education in order to challenge my students.

This is also the year that I am going for accreditation with the Christian & Missionary Alliance denomination. That's scary. It means that I can dedicate/marry/bury. It means that my calling is continuously being fulfilled. God is continuing His promises. My calling is continuously being fulfilled. It's a scary process.

This year will be full of changes and challenges. Licensing is scary enough, but I also have to continuously seek after what is next. My contract with my church is finished in May and this is the time that I am asking what's next. Have I ever mentioned that I'm not a fan of waiting... But that is what I am asked to do at this point. I have to wait for the answer.

Changes. What can I say? Changes. The next 8 months are going to be interesting. I can't wait to see what God does!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

What?!? I'm an adult?!?

   Seriously! When did I become an adult? It's like I looked up and BAM I'm an adult. Most days I go around doing what I do, but there are instances where I start to feel older and have "adult" moments. For instance, I filled out a survey the other day and had to enter the age category. It was a weird feeling when I found out that I am in a different category now. I was expecting that feeling at 26, not at 25. There was an 18-24 category and the 25-36 category... That felt weird. There was a moment of panic when I realized that I was no longer associated in that category. I was like "oh no! I can't be that old yet!" It was CRAZY!
   Also, there have been moments in this past year that have helped aid this. I hired a summer intern. For many years, that was my role... now I am on the other side of this... I hired a summer intern... It's crazy! It's starting to hit home that I am no longer young... but that I am an adult, in my mid-20's finishing up a Masters degree, earlier bed times, and doing adult things. It's like there was this switch, and I don't know when it happened...
  Life is crazy eh?