Sunday, March 25, 2012


No, that does not mean the white fluffy stuff that falls to the ground... It stands for Sunday Night Of Worship. It happens once a month between some of the churches. It's a glorious night where we can come together as brothers and sisters in Christ and worship our AMAZING God! Tonight, was a wonderful blessed night. God was definately praised!
I've been struggling for the last while with fear. Fear of social situations and fear of being myself in front of others... It's irrational, but I struggle with it. This first link is to a song that we sang tonight. As we started singing it, I had to stop and let the words wash over me. The chorus goes like this:
When all you are is Glorious, Oh God
Victorious and strong
Whom shall I fear?
When all you are is Powerful and True
And good in all you do
Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
These are some powerful lyrics. Through the lyrics, God reminded me that I am not alone. He is always beside me, holding me close through the pain and fear. He will never leave me and never let me go. That is one AMAZING promise! It's a great reminder when I am struck by fear and too scared to be myself when I know others would love to get to know the real me. Listen to the song. It is a great reminder for myself.

This second song is from Hillsong. The whole lyrics are amazing. It reminds me that I am Restored, Redeemed, and Free. I am free to fall at the feet of Jesus in worship, in pain, in fear, and in surrender. However I am feeling, God is there, waiting to share my pain and love me. I can fall at the feet of Jesus and worship, worship as the broken, sinful, sinner I am; knowing that I am saved and loved unconditionally.

Be blessed this week.