Friday, September 14, 2012

Bless the Lord oh my Soul

Currently this is one of a few songs stuck in my head.

The last few days, I have been feeling restless... I don't know why and I can't figure it out. My thoughts are going a million miles/minute and when I try to quiet down and get in some God time, it doesn't always happen.
When I moved from Edmonton, a friend of mine gave me a book. What's so special about a book you wonder? This one is called "Sacred Caos" by Tricia McCary Rhodes. It is about finding God and listening to Him through the caos. I don't know if this friend had any insight into what my life would become going fultime into seminary... but as I read it, I am finding some hope that I will still be able to hear God through the caos in my daily life.
I am also learning that I need to worry less about the little details and try to focus more on the larger picture. Don't get me wrong, little details are important too, but I also need to look at the bigger picture too.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Following God's plan even when I don't understand

So here it is... already Sept. 7th. How crazy is that? I have been in Calgary for almost a week and it feels like longer.

-Starting classes
-Meeting new friends
-Seeing old friends
-Finding a church to connect with

-Coming to grips with how much work this semester is going to be
-Leaving Edmonton

I have decided that even though it was hard leaving Edmonton and my family of friends there, God has a greater plan for me here. My chapter in Edmonton has finished for now. This next chapter has been exciting so far and pretty cool. I am getting to know some people from the seminary and making friends with them too. Classes have started and I am excited with what I will be learning this semester... Trust me, it's going to be a lot!
I have even found a church where I already feel at home! For me, that is God letting me know that this is where I am supposed to be.
It has only been a week since I moved, but I can tell you already that it feels like I belong.